By completing the assessment form below we will be able to assess whether you qualify for either temporary or permanent residence in South Africa. Please complete the assessment form and answer all questions and submit to our offices.

    Personal Particulars


    First Name



    Street Address



    Postal Code



    Country Code

    Area Code

    Home Telephone

    Office Telephone

    Mobile Telephone

    E-mail Address

    Birth date, Month and Year

    City of Birth

    Country of Birth

    Maritial Status

    Number of Children

    Children's Ages


    Section A - Citizenship or Birth Registration

    Were you born inside South Africa ?

    Were you born to one or more South African Citizen or South African Permanent Resident holder parent?

    Were you born to a parent who worked for the South African Government or was an employee or representative or worked for an organisation of which South Africa was a member?

    Were you adopted by a South African Citizen?

    How did your parents obtain South African Citizenship?

    Was one of your parents a South African Citizen at the time of your birth?

    Did your parents ever renounce their South African Citizenship?

    Did your parents ever take up a foreign Citizenship?

    If so, which country did your parents take up foreign Citizenship of?

    If your parents did acquire such foreign Citizenship, when did such acquisition take place?

    On what basis did your parents obtain the entitlement to such foreign Citizenship?

    Where were your parents at the time of acquisition of such Citizenship?

    Did you ever renounce your South African Citizenship?

    Did you ever take up a foreign Citizenship?

    If so, which country did your parents take up foreign Citizenship of?

    If so when did you acquire such Citizenship?

    On what basis did you acquire such foreign Citizenship?

    Where were you at the time of acquisition of such foreign Citizenship?

    If your parents did acquire such foreign citizenship, when did such acquisition take place?

    If so when did you acquire such citizenship?


    Have you ever applied for naturalisation as a South African Citizen?

    Were you deemed to be a South African citizen by registration before October 1995?

    Have you ever received a certificate of Naturalisation?

    If so, when did you receive such naturalisation certificate?

    Are you the spouse of a South African Citizen?

    If so, have you held permanent residence status in South Africa for more than two (2) years?

    How long have you been resident in South Africa for?

    Have you been absent from South Africa for long periods of time over the last five (5) years?

    If yes, please provide details of your absence from South Africa during the last five (5) years


    If you were once a South African citizen but have since lost it/relinquished it, please provide details in the space below regarding the set of circumstances that led up to your losing/relinquishing your South African citizenship.

    Please confirm your e-mail address here:

    Declaration - MUST be completed:

    I certify that the information provided by me, above, for my FREE South African Citizenship assessment is accurate and I consent to Julian Pokroy Attorneys corresponding with me at the e-mail address, above, regarding said assessment.

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